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Ground work

Do we need to do more ground work? You bet we do! We had many ground techniques however the Arts have evolved as they always have with new threats which each generation have to face. I have watched many very good stand up fighters from several styles taken off their feet and look as helpless as a turned over turtle. We need to learn some basic ideas on how to stop a take down if we can, for example every instructor needs to teach his students how to sprawl in order to defend and keep the advantage. You must quickly follow up with moves of your choice from research or ground training.  Most know this term, if not, put it in Youtube and you can find many examples and practice them at your school. This is a start but there is much more to learn with many steps to follow. If you are adept at body mechanics, the computer is a fantastic tool as not only can you see how to apply holds but how to get out of them. You must dissect all you see and practice, practice, practice. Are you changing Grandmaster Woo’s Art, yes and no because you are fighting new threats of something we had not done before. He would have had to do something similar, he would not have denied his students the tactics to defend themselves against all threats. He would have brought his ground game up to a very high level, exactly by what means I do not know however he would have done it. He is gone and we are the next link in the chain of our Art and it is up to us to make the decision on how to proceed. We used many of the holds like the rear naked choke (we did not call it that) and we used arm bars over the shoulder, the knee, the side however if it is used over the groin everyone says that is “Jiu Jitsu”. Come on, an armbar is an armbar. I will change as little as I can but I will add as much as I have to in order to make a more rounded fighter. 

I really enjoyed the knife disarms which GMW taught, but as different Arts surfaced I saw Escrima and realized those disarms would not work against them. With each attempted grab they would cut, if you could grab they cut and if you did nothing they cut. I searched out Dan Inosanto to study the blade and how it is used, does the make me a traitor, if it does I am still glad I learned. Each instructor must choose his course he must take but he must keep learning.



  1. Mark Hodges

    I’m glad you sought out Goru Inosanto to fill some of the holes. One thing I am curious about is why you didn’t learn jiu jitsu or judo and add that as well. I think that would have made san soo the complete art, if there could be such a thing. What I see today is kind of hit or miss and inconsistent schools, no standards at all. There are a few that seem good and others that should just say “fantasy island school of martial arts”. It’s like a cult of white guys in pajamas.

  2. Ron Gatewood

    The reference to escrima was an example of an issue that I found I had no defense against so I searched for a solution although GMW’s disarms were great against a street thug. Remember I was also a hardliner and believed we were the top in martial arts, I still think we are high on the list in the street but new challenges came in. I have used San Soo many times and it never let me down. I mingled with many instructors of many arts always comparing them in my mind. I had boxed in Golden Gloves so I had some hands up fighting experience, after boxing my first martial art was Jiu Jitsu were they had a guest who showed us some Kung Fu which set my course. I felt San Soo was so diversified that it was not necessary to branch out. I did take private lessons with Master Tim Cartmell when he returned from China because I wanted to learn some Internal Kung Fu.
    As grappling grew I saw a (we will call it a hole) that needed to be addressed which was to prevent being taken to the ground. Master Cartmell also saw it and began studying Jiu Jitsu becoming very good (BJJ Black Belt under Cleber Luciano). He is also a San Soo Master, I highly recommend his video/book on “Ground Proofing”.
    I also have gained much respect for “Catch Wrestling”.

  3. Ryan 虎龙 Saint George 石

    I respect your honesty and open mindedness. I wish more in the San Soo community were just as open minded. Ground fighting is essential.

    In your opinion, does traditional CaiLiFo blend well with San Soo?

  4. Ron Gatewood

    Thanks Ryan, nice to hear. I just got out of 4 days in the hospital (2nd heart issue) could have died but it has caused me to re-evaluate the course of my life, not going to waste anymore time. The community has a few of us left who started with GMW in the early 60’s but most have lost total interest in sharing San Soo. Look how long we have waited for someone to ask a real question. It is the students fault that this is happening, if students asked or reacted to my videos I would have posted maybe 50 by now but interest has been low and new ones have not been posted. They would rather talk about their 3rd or 4th gen. Master and what color belts he uses, who cares. You have a few left who have many lessons the group has never seen and they will die with us, that is a shame and it hurts to think our info will not be passed on. Many have mangled San Soo so you can’t even understand what they teach. I have always been here to answer and I will never lie to you but I can’t even remember a real question asked. There still is a great amount that has not been shared.
    Can you blend San Soo with Choy Li Fut is like asking can you mix San Soo with forms, you can blend almost anything when you have the keys. His CLF school in China told us that San Soo was only a portion of their CLF teaching. San Soo uses their core to punch over long swinging arms so it looks different.
    I am still here but time is running short if anyone asks real questions you should ask and I will tell you what I know.

  5. Ryan 虎龙 Saint George 石

    Thank you sir for answering me. I greatly appreciate. I very much want to attain as much authentic San Soo info as possible. I don’t want legit San Soo to continue to be watered down and eventually waste away into crappy McDojos. I truly want to help preserve San Soo.
    Thank God you’re ok!


  6. Ron Gatewood

    In the 1960’s there were few styles of schools in the USA so when we learned most of GMW’s students preferred power over subconscious reaction, triangulation, etc. and never thought it was necessary so they never learned. We have Masters who teach to block before you move, GMW’S words, “if you don’t want to get hit, don’t be there”. There are now some good Arts out there, new threats, we must dig deep into our roots for the tactics that he gave us.

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