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Where are the books? When I started San Soo in 1962 the story of the books was …

Where are the books?
 When I started San Soo in 1962 the story of the books was …

Where are the books?
When I started San Soo in 1962 the story of the books was a very big issue, these contained ancient secrets of combat that were being passed to us from Buddhist Temples, nothing anyone else had. Being a cop and later an investigator some things did not make sense. I asked him so many questions I am surprised he did not kick me out. First, the book did not look Chinese, the binding looked European, but then someone would say, " It is so old they probably rebound it", so we all believed. I first found the answer when I researched for my book and if you read closely I did leave some hints. I knew if the book and the info came out at the same time many would be so crushed they would not read the book of the real lineage of our Art and it would become "Kill the messenger". They would run to the family and flat earth society for comfort and would be told the same OLD false stories, have they no honor. Yes Jimmy did it but it was basically a "marketing ploy so he could make a living" almost all Chinese Masters created stories. So who gave me the real information, I interviewed Warren Woo (Jimmy's Son) who told me he used to look at that book when he was a little kid. I asked him what he saw, he said the big book was not even Chinese it was English Gothic. I asked if there was photos or drawings, he said it was like witches burning and things like that. His Mother was still alive and he asked her and she confirmed it was English Gothic. She said more but I will leave it at that. I highly believe that the small book may have been a acupuncture but because when Clyde Coad saw inside it was a drawing with lines going to body points with Chinese words. I still have more but I think that is a lot for some to handle. To the family and the flat earth people, you got evidence, bring it out, let us see it, if it is ashes we can have it analyzed. I say you are not telling the truth. If you want a public debate, I am ready, your time is finished. I am sorry I had to do this about Jimmy's story as he means much to me, I have no respect for the others but as a 12 year Master our future generations must be given the facts. I miss Jimmy but he will always be my instructor and friend no matter what anyone thinks.

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