Be Careful of who you listen to!!
Someone sent me a page from Johnny's web site where he posted 2 lineage charts of San Soo and I would ask him to prove them as he said he can. When I researched our history I hoped it would prove it to be as Jimmy said. I argued for many years backing up those stories but evidence was not on his side. I looked at these charts and there are many flaws. First there is nothing to say where they are from or who made them. I saw Leong Kick listed but as a student not as a Monk, remember no one heard of him when Amar asked in China. I have the link to the true lineage charts listed in my book. Now I become more suspicious when I see Chin Siu Dek showed one student(only) which causes me to say (BS) and that name just happens to be blacked out. WHY?? Could it be that it might be a student wanted to prove his linage and listed himself and it is not real. That has been done before but I am not going to name that student. I have more evidence but I will save it unless more BS comes forward.
Be Careful of who you listen to!! Someone sent me a page from Johnny's web…