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What attracted me to San Soo If I had to say one word it would be flow. I had a friend in high school that turned out to be a pretty good fighter, he fought another student that all through school bullied people because of the very big person, he was a star player on the football team and everyone feared him. He was much bigger than my friend and I found it hard to
Learn to listen to your brain, then de-brief for next time! Both Police and Military usually de-brief after combat missions to discuss both positive and negative areas of their mission so the next one will go smoother. We should do the same even if it is within our brain, we view (what we can remember) to do better the next time. We may view tactics, timing, angles, set up, clothing (tight pants limited kicks), Leather
Here’s why officers touch the back of your car during a traffic stop
Wonder why cops touch your car when they stop you. The second issue they mention about checking who is in back is something that happened here, as the Officer walked up (he stopped a truck with gang members) they kicked open the tailgate and shot him and he went down. They got out and he begged for his life and they shot him in the head. Later I had to transport them to court, I
Higher level thinking When someone asks what Martial Art do you study, “I study San Soo” you may smile and feel pride, but what have you told them, not much. Don’t you realize that every art teaches their form of San Soo at their highest teaching levels. All San Soo means is “full on fighting or combat”, what we leave out is what kind of San Soo is it. Jimmy wanted to separate our art
Weapons of Opportunity: How to Use Everyday Objects for Self Defense
Weapons of opportunity! I did not read this all but it looked like a good read, this group puts out a lot of info. Keep learning, you may need it someday. Weapons of Opportunity: How to Use Everyday Objects for Self Defense Weapons of opportunity save lives all the time, and with a little bit of mental preparation, you could be ready to do the same should the SHTF.

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