Some of the old days! I was watching this on YouTube, many ask questions about how Jimmy trained us in the early years, here is a chance for you to watch and learn. These were some of his top guys, and Jimmy showed some nice moves. The video has 3 demo’s, the first one in Chinatown you may have seen but the next two has much info. If a student was smart he would watch
This is a difficult task I want to present but I think you should know how the Art has been changed and lost some of its effectiveness, as far as why you will have to ask the changers. Many have been friends and it is hard to do this but what they have done to the Art Jimmy gave us I can not respect. I am going to pick lesson (Basic #9) and show what
New vid (copied from 8mm) the best one so far. I am very exited by this one, it…
Category: General Discussion
New vid (copied from 8mm) the best one so far. I am very exited by this one, it had so much info I was going to split it. There are so many techniques and form a smart instructor could teach a student for years. Some of the greats sharing lessons for that day and what I missed during the week. Also interesting workouts like Bill Lasiter and Chuck Cory and many lessons given by Jimmy.
Category: General Discussion
Thought you might want to see some form taught from your Art in China today.
Hear it first hand! People are so quick to tell you Jimmy said this or that but…
Category: General Discussion
Hear it first hand! People are so quick to tell you Jimmy said this or that but many times I wonder if they are able to understand what he really said. Here is a bit of his wisdom he tells us that is very true. You will need to learn to understand him, it really is not that hard, we all had to do it. Listen as often as it takes to understand and it