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The San Soo upper cut! Like so many techniques we think we know how to use it but so many also do not understand. Think it is like a boxer uses it, not really because the gloves usually will not allow the fist into the throat area. How many boxing matches have you seen won due to a punch to the throat? To set up your opponent, reach out toward his eyes with your left
Ideas and tactics Jimmy shared! When I first met Jimmy he was friendly but kind of scary, he could get angry and use language equal to any Sailer. In the early 70’s he mellowed and developed a real caring for his students and forgot the way he used to talk. He would share things or lessons in life to make us smarter, what a job he took on. I will cover some that I can The “NEW” First 100 Things To Disappear After The SHTF –
Our collapse has started!! For years now I have tried to share how one might prepare to survive what is now happening. Food, defensive weapons, bug out plan, destination location, survival ideas, bartering knowledge, etc. But I saw almost no one read the info so I stopped wasting my time. All things we predicted are now happening and I don’t think it will stop. I could go further but only a few will listen so
Let’s talk about the Books!! I purposely held back information because if I would have it in the book of our true history the book would have been condemned by the Flat Earth Society with waving fists shouting “kill the messenger”. Now that many of you have seen the information is from a real investigation these people have absolutely No evidence to support their stories. We have been to his China home, the Monastery ruins,

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