(From Ron Gatewood) Jimmy’s Chinese Folk Medicine While going through and sorting some of my treasured San Soo material I found this photo of Jimmy and felt it was necessary to explain the marks on his face. When he was a young child he got sick and his parents felt he would die. They believed in devil-spirits and felt they might come looking for him and take him away. They felt they should change his
Fight to win, this guy did not. Many mistakes here, if not for the other Deputy this guy would be dead. First, he is way too fat, when on his back, he could not get up, plus his clothes did not fit. Just before he helped the POS into the chair he pulled his pants up with both hands exposing his gun. Then he had a little trouble getting the guy in the chair so
Here’s another “old one” that we wanted in our library. Brain Adams wrote this w…
Category: General Discussion
Here’s another “old one” that we wanted in our library. Brain Adams wrote this while working on his Black Belt with Ed Parker. This was published in 1975. It was written in 1969…long before some of our students were even kids!!! It’s pretty interesting to see what we collected way back…. Barbara
Hi! I’m going through my books and putting them on our website. www.sansoojourna…
Category: General Discussion
Hi! I’m going through my books and putting them on our website. www.sansoojournal.co These are Bruce Tegner books.. Self Defense for Women (1973) Stick Fighting for Self Defense (1965) Both are good basic books and a nice addition to your library. I’m asking $10 each for them. I will be adding other books soon.
I found new information in my drafts folder from a long time ago that has a lot …
Category: General Discussion
I found new information in my drafts folder from a long time ago that has a lot of information about Kung Fu sounds and I believe when they mention Chan Sai Mo that they are talking about Jimmy’s cousin (it’s in the last sentence). Ron Few authenticated facts are known about Jeong Yim , but his legacy and influence on the development of Choy Li Fut can still be felt today. Jeong Yim’s actual birth