I am posting this which is a long but interesting read of how Kung Fu entered California. Lau Bun left LA Chinatown Hung Sing and took over the same job for the Hung Sing in San Fran., Jimmy took his job in
LA although Jimmy is not named here. Read about the conflicts that took place. When I did the my book research I contacted Hung Sing several times for info, an enforcer who took care of things who got out of prison and was working for Chinatown and was later arrested for murder named Shrimp Boy (you can read it on the web). I asked how Shrimp Boy felt about getting a life sentence, he said “you know this line is tapped’ , ” I said see ya” and quickly hung up. https://chinesemartialstudies.com/2016/09/01/james-yimm-lee-and-t-y-wong-a-rivalry-that-shaped-the-chinese-martial-art-in-america/James Yimm Lee and T. Y. Wong: A Rivalry that Shaped the Chinese Martial Arts in America