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How stupid can we be???
The left does not cover what it is doing, in fact it gives names to its programs that say what they are doing and we never read the words. Case in point, the name of the company that many believe controlled the election (I can not be too specific as the powers will hit the button that sends this post to never, never land) and please look up who owns and runs those machines. I will put the word here and its meaning, Dominion.
Dominion Synonyms, Dominion Antonyms | Merriam-Webster …
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Dominion: controlling power or influence over others. Synonyms: ascendance, ascendancy, dominance… Antonyms: impotence, impotency, powerlessness… Find the right word. … While the synonyms authority and dominion are close in meaning, authority implies power for a specific purpose within specified limits.

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