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San Soo triangles! Almost everything Jimmy taught was connected to triangles and…

San Soo triangles!
Almost everything Jimmy taught was connected to triangles and because of his lack of English ability he tried very hard to help us understand but few did. Especially the second and third generation but many first generation did not understand either. He discussed it almost every time he taught but it was in showing, not discussion. The horses, stiking, throwing, grappling, kicking, blocking, evading, positioning. Etc, all used triangles. When you bring this up to San Soo people many look at you with their mouth open with a look like they are lost and I am sure they wonder what I am talking about, no one ever asks a question in order to understand. I had trouble with one type of ground points to the body points that were connected and it took much watching and thinking time to understand but I did. Most get their lesson and rush out, never thinking about it until the next lesson. Your instructor owes it to you to teach, it is up to you to understand, figure out and understand, many don’t put out the effort. Most show up to get in the time so they can get their next belt, we should show up to get the knowledge.


  1. Sharon Wikel

    My experience has been different than this. I find that most of those I talk to do understand the beauty and use of triangles in our art. Even 2nd and 3rd generation
    S. The use of the words most and many are unfair to the community.I’ve found most and many do decent art, while few misunderstand the concepts

  2. Chuck Pittman

    The triangles in san soo are more based for a kick punch style finish not a submission style or grappling where your goal is to submit. I love san soo but it lacks this as they call it Randori principal and this is the seperation in training of triangles. Judo style triangles have been nased on a randori principal and are more submit you or gain the advantage .

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