Some of the Basic 45 are now on video!
I want people to see what Jimmy really taught not someone's version. I have never really liked any type of photo taken of me,don't know why, maybe I am not the most handsome guy, heh heh I wanted to put out a correct version. After Jimmy died, Bernie asked the Masters to make film of several best lessons and give them to her. I am sure it was for altruistic reasons, cough, cough. I filmed and gave her the first 15 that I told her they are all his best. So I kept one for my self. I was also filming some Police leverages (a lot of them) for some cops that wanted them. We did not realize that we grabbed that same film and over copied the first 3 lessons which I may copy one day. However 12 through 15 are on there and correct. Compare to some of what the others have put out and you will see what my concerns are and how off they have become. I will leave the leverage moves at the front of that video as they will be of more value than the 3 lessons missed.
True story,
I had a Praying Mantis who was living in my garage and was not afraid of me and when I was in the garage he would land on my hand, really. I watched how he moved because of the whole system of Mantis Kung Fu system. I would furnish him with insects and watch his kills. I also had a Rottweiler who feared nothing, man, animal, nothing. The Mantis was on the floor, Angus approached and the Mantis puffed up and spread his wings making a loud noise. Angus backed of which I found hard to believe, the Mantis left after a few days. I left the Mantis part on the back as it is interesting. I guess I have learned from many Masters.
Some of the Basic 45 are now on video! I want people to see what Jimmy really t…