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Understand before you bash!! page 2 I saw a post of a Master who plans to bring…

Understand before you bash!! page 2
 I saw a post of a Master who plans to bring…

Understand before you bash!! page 2
I saw a post of a Master who plans to bring out their rendition of the 45 that Jimmy taught them and to put on their website, do they think Jimmy taught them something he did not teach us. You might want to skip the first 22 because if you bought those for $2
those should be the same. Send me a message and I will send those, they had plans to keep them secret on their site, give me a break. OK, let’s go back to reality. I am sure Jimmy knew many students had trouble understanding him and you will hear him (probably over 50 times on each video) say, “you understand” or “get what I mean”, he worried about being misunderstood. I am not sure of how much… More

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