Would you prefer facts or stories about your art, I was just shown the old lineage chart that we were first told by Jimmy, to be untrue, (it is circling around again) it was part of the marketing ploys because he did not want us to know we were from Choy Li Fut. Have a Chinese read your belt that says Choy Li Fut with Ho and Hung, Jimmy
admitted to me that we were 3 family not 5, a few days later he updated that info on YouTube, look it up. He told me the Hung was not from Hung Ga but that Chinese character meant power like Dynamic Tension and Fut was to honor the Monk. The Family is just passing on the stories, I will always give you the truth. We have been to China, found his home, the Monastery ruins, the new school, the son of the man who taught Jimmy, and you still want to believe the “Flat Earth Society”. I have spent money and years of my life to get to the truth, there is much more, read the book, it is the truth. I have the Choy Li Fut lineage chart to prove it.