I am very disappointed when I hear students say Kung Fu San Soo is very limited so I am going to leave it and find other arts so I can compete with anyone. They refuse to understand our art is very complex however they have not entered the the mind portion of San Soo as taught by Grand Master Woo. They say “I learned San Soo from “Goody Two Shoes, you think you are superior because you learned First Generation, Second is better because it has more variety” (I actually learned both). Well, you just told me something, you are not to smart, you never broke the surface of his knowledge. Am I superior no but I am smarter in San Soo than they are, I don’t usually say this but I am the second highest belt promoted by Grand Master Woo (12 year Master), does that mean I am good, not really, it means I put in my time learning. I don’t have many years left and I feel a big responsibility to pass on the gold the Grand Master taught in order that we preserve his art for future generations. Many lacked any thinking depth and broke away from the true roots and mixed many arts without a recipe. They have made our art a joke on YouTube. I have heard them say they don’t use windmills, over used sounds, the twirly twisty crap, their armbars are 1000 times better, none of us knows how to break a arm because our work out is all fake. You fool, Grand Master figured out a way to workout to get the most benefit for combat without constant injuries to his students and those workouts were not “candy ass”. So you think the sounds are worthless, well I guess your instructor did not teach them. If a student has any body feelings I can show them in a few minutes how to use sound to create power, just yelling does not do it. I want to share San Soo knowledge but to fighting windmills is gettings tiresome. Oh, my bad, they don’t want to be talked down too. Listen to the info. not how it is said, that is the way I talk, I am trying to help. The pay is great also, you bet. LOL
You must decide what your reason for learning is, you want pure ring combat go somewhere else, ground work, try wrestling or Jiu Jitsu, but for street protection I will still stay with San Soo. It protected me through my career in law enforcement and if you think those people were not trying to hurt or kill me, you are wrong. There are areas that need to be updated as there are new threats that were not around when we started and I see nothing wrong with viewing and picking up some tactics to meet the challenge, but don’t bad mouth a good art. All information that would help you defeat or neutralize a threat may not be taught in many schools because they come from higher levels of scientific research there are also tells when someone is about to attack which will give you a heads up. The problem is that when we attempt to discuss these things, judging from the response stats, and reactions drop. So I need some feedback as to what the interests are here, I do much research on these. Most people stay in the wading pool, if you want to really understand I would suggest swimming down to the deep end. I am working on some interesting things to share in a video which will let you view a San Soo guy who learned and combined the same two arts that Grand Master Woo did, he is one of his schools top students. He works out very close to how we do.
Ron Gatewood