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Our Lineage, Here’s The Proof!

Our Lineage, Here’s The Proof!

Many may still doubt that Jimmy H. Woo’s first Art was Choy Li Fut. Here is proof so there should be no question that this is fact.

This comes from the 38 page Choy Li Fut lineage Chart. If you look at the whole Chart you will see many famous fighters from Choy Li Fut. Jimmy’s name is not there because he left China at a very young age (19 or 20) so other than being a young good fighter he had not established himself as a leader. The Chart was done many years later and the fighters that stayed with the group were recognized in the lineage.

Both his Uncle (not by blood) who taught him (Chan Siu Hung, 3rd generation) and his son, (Chan Sai Mo 4th generation) are listed on page 15. Jimmy and the son would have been at the same level.. The whole chart can be found on

Jimmy said he was Fifth Generation but that was not true – he was actually Fourth Generation – the same as Chan Sai Mo. He did not want us identifying with Choy Li Fut so he didn’t count the Choy Li Fut Monk and counted Monk Leong Kick in his lineage – no one knows who he is and is believed to be made up. He would tell us that “we are cousins” with Choy Li Fut.

Remember he made some things up to justify what he taught but it was not to deceive anyone. Sometimes one story often leads to making up another story…..

Ron Gatewood

**** The photo at the top is of Lau Bun, He is in our Choy Li Fut Lineage and located in San Francisco. Jimmy would travel to visit him on occasion. ****

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