I would say no, the only time you would have any pre-fight plan is judging the threat, how many folks you have to fight or how to set them up. Jimmy would say, “let your mind use your body” which few understood at first but the more you fought the better you understood, it is very scientific. To understand how the brain works, we can break it down to “brain dominance” which directs your whole life and how you operate. I could break it down to how a profile can be developed once you know a persons brain dominance but let’s stick to combat. Left brain is your critical decision making and when compared it is very slow while the right brains job is to protect you. This is something that we have all of our life, the ideal is what is called whole brain thinking (50/50) which is almost impossible to reach but with practice it can be tweaked a little. We all have our own mixture of how left or right brained we are however we do what we do so we can better learn “let your mind use your body”. Left brains are usually very orderly, take good notes, learn a lesson well but have problems when it comes to being creative and mixing lessons in action. A right brain is more scattered, he works on instinct and is creative. There are many differences but this should give an idea of what is happening. Learn to trust your subconscious and it will take care of you, there are things you can do. I will leave it up to you if you would like to go deeper in this. Sometimes if we get technical the board becomes less active till our next post. Using these methods has saved me a few times and has helped me solve many crimes. How many times has your own mind told you don’t trust this guy that you just met but you did not listen, your mind picked up cues and tried to let you know. You later had to tell yourself, I wish I would have listened. That is what I am talking about, Jimmy knew it and tried to teach us but many did not listen. Let me know if you want to go deeper.
Experience is the best teacher but if you don’t learn to listen you will miss much of the information available to you. Learn as much as you can about body language, learn to read emotion, learn to read a person before he goes into a rage. I like to watch things like “Live PD” watch the people before They attack or run, with practice you will know before it happens. Best to record it and you can go back and see the cues you may have missed. Another program is “The first 48 hours” which you will see real homicide interrogations and after awhile you will begin to read the people and know who did it. Now if you say, “this is not San Soo”, you are wrong, knowledge can not be restricted to one specific skill. It is really more important than your fighting ability because if he knocked you down first, you lost. I remember one time a dispatcher asked me how I decided who I ran for a warrant check. I asked why she asked, she said most officers ran the check an had a 20% active warrant return, yours is above 80%. I told her I just read the situation and listen to my subconscious. Does that make me great,no, it just means I learned to listen. Not all knowledge is learned in your school, there is dynamic information that spans many disciplines.
Should you have a fight plan?