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Types of Buddhist Breathing Can Save Your Life

Types of Buddhist Breathing Can Save Your Life
I would not share this with you unless I truly believed it and used it. When I was younger and hunting for deer I was climbing in the hills and noticed how many times I had to stop to get my breath. It made me wonder how I could climb farther without stopping to rest. When home I was reading a Chinese book about breathing techniques and found one that interested me. It had to do with switching the course of electric impulse in your nerves. I practiced for a few years and noticed some change (this is lengthy so I’m going to cut a few corners).
A Buddhist Monk or a high-level instructor helped me in the temple to understand. He called it the Heavenly Orbit and while standing or sitting in a Buddhist posture you concentrate on sending energy that starts from the rear of the anus, up your back, over the head and then down the front of the body to the front of the anus while meditating you keep that energy flowing. Your body feels open and free. The two critical factors are that your teeth are closed, and your tongue is down at the bottom of your mouth. That is the course of the energy, and you use diaphragm breathing.
When you wish to change to power breathing you open your mouth slightly separating the teeth and still breathing through your nose and you put your tongue to the rear of your front teeth. What this does is like switching the channels on your tv and energy travels and creates more oxygen and stronger energy. To Western people it sounds like weird magic, but it is very powerful along with being a form of healing. When I had an angina attack while walking my dog, I took about two breaths to return my breathing to normal.
So, here’s how I will prove that you can change the course of your breath to an actual powerful breath. While sitting in a straight posture on the floor or in a chair breathe normal with your teeth closed and the tongue at the bottom of your mouth and feel everything that is happening, lay your palm on the top of your chest and feel and you will find that the top of your chest does not expand as you breathe. Now switch your breathing to Buddhist style – open your mouth, tongue to the roof of your mouth and teeth apart and take deep breaths through your nose. If you have done this right you will find your whole chest, including the upper area, expands much more and the chest above your breast comes alive and expands. This actually gives you probably 25 percent more oxygen and expansion. It improves your chance to heal, fight and run and anything else that needs healing or energy, and your mind relaxes.
I was surprised that when a family member had Covid and Kaiser sent home a document with instructions on how to use this technique. It could save your or someone’s life and keep you off a ventilator which results in many deaths. Believe this or not, I don’t BS and you will have a new tool to work with.
Master Ron Gatewood

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