I would like to share some information that is being shoved off that is pure BS. That is about the choke hold which is really a carotid artery restraint. Choke=cut off air, restraint=blood and if done right is very humane and allows a very short time to put on cuffs. A choke hold is easy to see or hear if used on someone they cough/choke and have difficulty breathing. It is ugly, drool is all
Blast from the past!
Category: General Discussion, Videos
This is a video taken in Robert Resann’s studio when I brought in old films to show his students how things were when I learned. I have always believed that all those who will carry on San Soo need to know real facts, real stories, real technique, real psychology, that was passed on to us and facts that we learned on the way. All students should evaluate if they are being taught the real ideas
My view is a few may but most will not without drastic changes and I am not sure what those may be. If this virus lasts the rest this year and into the next all arts are in trouble. If virus carriers are out there, I don’t think students will be interested coming to class and rolling around with another’s sweaty body. Frankly, I am tired of checking/waiting for someone to ask a question or
What’s The Next Step?
Category: General Discussion
I failed to get out truthful information out that would bring our once great Art back together again, I did my part, you have not done yours, there is not any real forward movement, no questions, no real input, just people with there hands out waiting for free information. Yes, we get “likes” but that is it, no real support. One guy would always gave a like but all of a sudden he switches and
This is a long but interesting read it is almost everything you need to know about the transitions our Art went through since GMW left China. This is a difficult read and many will not make it or understand it but those who do will have a much deeper understanding of their Art, I had this translated from Chinese. This is Jimmy’s school, it has moved to another location. Master Wong Yi Man is the