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Some of Jimmy’s village/family history, a few may have seem it, you can copy and save it. Not sure why Jimmy is not ahead of Tom Akers, he is not in other linage charts because he left China at a young age.
The truth may hurt!!!

The truth may hurt!!!

Posted by madmin on  November 12, 2019
Category: General Discussion
It is time to address the made up 45 techniques that advanced Masters are passing off as the real 45 lessons that Jimmy Woo gave his first students. They have been my friends but Grand Master Woo is far more important to me and will show you what he wanted us to learn. More important it should be a lesson to you as to where and who you ask to get the information on this
How do you create a link to the all knowing Subconscious?
Before you say this is magic voodoo, it is very scientific and spans to many areas of life. It functions on it’s own and programmed into your mind from past experiences. It is an alarm that wants to warn of danger and sometimes acts on its own to protect you. I can guarantee it has saved you from injury, maybe even death when it acts. If I walk into your house and throw a ball
Wrist Leverage Breakdown

Wrist Leverage Breakdown

Posted by madmin on  October 30, 2019
I was looking for a subject and came across Bill Vigil performing one of my favorite wrist locks which I have used many times while taking someone into custody, it never let me down. Bill does it perfectly so I will borrow it rather the redo it. His explanation is sound, I will add a personal preference of how the pain is created. The cross wrist grab is neutralized when you place your hand over
Finding Our Roots

Finding Our Roots

Posted by madmin on  September 19, 2019
While investigating in China, Amar located the existing Choy Li Fut school which was Jimmy H Woo’s School. It has relocated since the original Monastery was destroyed and burned. We were able to find Jimmy’s Cousin, Chan Sai Mo who was was the Son of Chan Siu Hung who was the man who trained Jimmy H Woo, he was then in his late 90s but has since passed away. They were boyhood friends and he

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